Last week we got oranges to eat. They looked purple on the inside. They were actually orange on the outside. They were so yummy and tasted like oranges. These oranges were a little bit sweeter than regular oranges. We liked them so much because they were delicious. They were different oranges than the regular oranges but they were still tasty. La semana pasadallegamosacomernaranjas.Se veíanpúrpuraenel interior.Elloseran en realidadde color naranjaenelexterior.Erantandeliciosoysabor anaranja.Estasnaranjassonunpocomás dulceque lanaranjaregular.Lesgustótantoporqueerandeliciosas.Erannaranjasdiferente alas naranjasregular, perotodavía eransabrosas.
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